When it comes to choosing the best breeds of horse, everyone has a different opinion. Here are some of the most popular breeds and a description of their best features.
The Arabian breed is extremely versatile and able to compete in all kinds of events. These intelligent animals have a height range that tends to vary between 14 an 16 hands and they tend to be gentle and easy to ride. Arabian horses are attractive with a high set tail and while they may be quite high spirited, they are also graceful and elegant. Arabian horses are also well known for their endurance making them an excellent choice over long distances.
Intelligent, strong, powerful and speedy, these horses are commonly used for racing. Ideal for competing in all kinds of events and disciplines, their muscular, strong build makes them ideally suited for the race track.
Quarter Horse
Very responsive to their riders, quarter horses are able to pick up on individual temperaments and styles of handling making them extremely versatile. Able to handle all kinds of events from barrel racing to jumping, they are also suited to trail riding as they are loyal and easy to break. Their calm personalities make them a good choice for child riders.
The Appaloosa is a powerful breed with strong legs. They are perfect show ponies with a beautiful appearance, however they are also well suited to family riding as they are intelligent and fast learners.

Embodying the spirit of the American wild west, the Mustang is an intelligent horse who is an excellent ride once their trust has been gained. Sure footed, resilient, athletic and durable, the Mustang can adapt to all kinds of environments thanks to their history of surviving in the wild. However, it can be difficult to break a Mustang and patience and love is required.
An ancient and beautiful breed, the Friesian is a powerful and all-round utility horse. Used historically as a horse to take into battle, this breed has a sturdy frame as well as the strength and agility necessary to take the weight of a knight in armour. They are also suited to family riding and farm work, having acquired a reputation over the last century as a good saddle and harness horse.
The Morgan breed is very intelligent and is ideal for competing in all kinds of disciplines from jumping to driving and riding. They are even strong enough to pull weight like a draught horse. Morgans tend to be friendly and bond well with their riders. Graceful in appearance, they are long lived and can survive up to the age of 40 (many years longer than the average horse).
Affectionate with pleasant temperaments, the Clydesdale is an attractive and very large horse that is mostly used for pulling heavy weights and carrying out farm work. Gentle and loyal, they offer a smooth ride and are calm and easy to train.
Perfect for novice riders, the Standardbred gives a safe ride since they are easily handled and very accepting and co-operative. They are also good at carrying out endurance tasks.

Shetland Pony
Although the Shetland Pony has a reputation for having a poor temperament, they are very cute and intelligent. Their diminutive size makes them very appealing to children and if handled correctly, they have a sweet and gentle nature.
Dutch Warmblood
These powerful horses are bred for jumping and they excel at this discipline. They are large in stature and very attractive with a sweet and co-operative nature making them a great choice when looking for a hard working horse with a great temperament.
Even older than the Arabian breed, the Andalusian is very ancient and beautiful. Easy to train and to work with, this breed learns rapidly and is charismatic, affectionate and energetic. They have an elegant appearance and a proud personality, and are well known for their majestic look. While they are not as strong as some other breeds, the Andalusian is known to be very hardworking and intelligent.
Tennessee Walking Horse
If you are looking for a horse that is an excellent all-rounder, the Tennessee Walking Horse is a great choice. Strong and offering a smooth ride, this breed also has a pleasant temperament and is willing to please. Their intelligent nature makes them a perfect choice when out on the trail.
American Saddlebred
TEA very versatile breed, the American Saddlebred can turn to almost any discipline from jumping to dressage. Naturally graceful and beautiful, these are top competitors and make excellent show horses. This breed is also very intelligent, having been named as the top breed for performances in TV and movies for many years. T
Sometimes called the Avelignese, this breed first developed in north Italy and Austria during the 19th century. Small in stature and an attractive chestnut colour, these horses have a distinctive gait that is smooth but energetic. They are also well muscled without losing any of their elegance. Tracing its history back to the middle ages, the Haflinger was originally developed for riding across mountainous terrain and they are known for their hardy nature.